The Story Behind Our Company Name "BuffetLife"

We are working on setting up a more user friendly site for you to browse when looking for our services and products. Please stay tuned... In the next week or two some new links as well as pictures will be updated. We appreciate your business as well as your patience!
BuffetLife is the name of the company that I started in 2004, which entails "A Celebration of Food, Art and Culture." The company came about with a couple buddies of mine that spent our summers painting walls in the late 90’s to the early 2000’s.
We'd take the whole day to work on our paintings, building up a ferocious appetite by days end. You know what that means, lots of consuming and time at the buffet. It became a ritual, as we painted often throughout the weekends which ultimately ended us up at the buffet religiously for hours at a time and a many a plates! We ventured and tried the variety of buffets offered.
“BuffetLife”, the name itself and all in one word, came about as parody off of the late Tupac Shakur’s phrase “ThugLife.” We felt we were so down and hardcore to the buffets that “BuffetLife” would suit the name just perfect.
Today, BuffetLife encompasses many things from artworks, to glass etching, to model railroading, to canvases, to custom room painting, to automotive lighting, to anything we can possibly do. We cater to a buffet of services and lifestyles. Essentially, just as a buffet, BuffetLife offers more than one choice of services, merchandise products, etc to suit whatever lifestyle or culture you might partake in.
All in all, we (BuffetLife) love food, art, and most of all the many different cultures out there. We like to give back as well as appreciate all that is out there!
People love the concept and have been very supportive of our company as well as our art, services, and products.
Happy Holidays,
The BuffetLife Family