BuffetLife consists of several talented, dedicated, and innovative artists from the Chicagoland area and neighboring suburbs. Through years of working together these urban artists took there love for art, food, and life to create "Buffet Life". They now cater to a buffet of services and lifestyles that range from art works all the way up to automotive products and other hobby items. As a result, giving the ultimate Buffet experience in goods and services.
cool site homie....heard you on the radio this mornin thought i'd check it out. Is the orange painting with the "a" up top sold?
holy shit i heard you on the radio i come in and see your a graff artsit too man... what you role with??i chill with AIR,CMK and such....
Yo yo this yo lil boy boy sayin was good man ever heard of TFN those catz are fuckin crazy who u role with
Da bidness.
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